
May 16, 2014


Today’s post is a writing challenge. This is how it works: participating bloggers picked 4 – 6 words or short phrases for someone else to craft into a post. All words must be used at least once and all the posts will be unique as each writer has received their own set of words. That’s the challenge, here’s a fun twist; no one who’s participating knows who got their words and in what direction the writer will take them. Until now.

Links to the other “Use Your Words” posts:                       Baking In A Tornado                Battered Hope              Confessions of a part-time working mom            Someone Else’s Genius                 FBX Adventures (In Parenting)            Spatulas on Parade        Stacy Sews and Schools                 Outmanned           Evil Joy Speaks                        Healing Tomato                           The Momisodes              Juicebox Confession

Your words are: gripping ~ constant ~ always in a pickle ~ which way is up? ~ relief ~ light

They were submitted by:

Let me tell you a gripping story about how life was when my oldest son was a little guy.  
He was quite hyper from the time he learned to walk (at 8 months) and was always in a pickle!! I had to stay on constant alert. He was fearless!!!!!

One day I started the washing machine, put in the detergent and went to get the clothes. When I came back with the clothes he was IN THE WASHER!!! Soap suds all over him. He was 1. How he managed to climb up the side of the washer I'll never know! 

Most days I didn't know which way was up!

He once crawled inside the dryer and shut himself in. I was running all over the house yelling his name. I finally heard him calling for help. 

One day when he was 5, he managed to open his bedroom window and jump out!! I saw him run past the living room window and was out the door after him. 

I have endless stories of ER trips and broken bones! Illnesses and injuries!

I can't tell you what a relief it was to get that child into adulthood!! I can still remember when I started to see the light at the end of the tunnel!

I tell him that he is responsible for every grey hair on my head! 


  1. i had that child! at 3 he rode his tricycle off the shed roof. i was doing dishes and i see my firstborn sailing thru the air. climbing out of the crib at 10 months, out smarting every car seat know to man by the time he was 2, lost on a mountain during hunting season, bit by a rattlesnake, at 5'6" and 100 pounds dripping wet--football. stitches in his chin, broken fingers. i was so happy when he got married and someone else could keep up with his energy. he's almost 40 now and parent of 4 and still has more energy than anyone i know. i laughed so hard at your post, shaking my head,saying yeah i understand. thanks for the great story this morning

    1. I was just nodding my head as I read your comment! LOL Been through SOOO MUCH OF THAT with Jacob. OMG!!!!! He's made it to 20. So far, so good! LOL
      He was the smallest player on the football team but loved to practice against the biggest. He ended up with a broken hand but didn't say anything for DAYS!!! I finally noticed that the swelling wasn't going away and dragged him off to the doc. SIGH.....

  2. I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh, but I can't get the picture of you looking out the living room window and seeing the 5 year old you'd left in his room upstairs outside. I'll be giggling about that all day!

    1. It was awful!!! We had to lock our front door with 3 different locks so we would have time to grab him before he ran out.
      He was such a mess. Still is... LOL

  3. Geez, how does one cope with a kid like this? I would be in constant fear and probably make him come to the bathroom with me, just so he couldn't do anything during that time. Glad he turned out OK. And you know, Karma will bless him with a lively kid of his own ;-)

    1. By the time he was 3, I had 2 more kids, as well. I look back and wonder how I made it through it all! LOL
      I told him that I would curse his wife with the "I hope you have one just like you" phrase! I am convinced that I was punished for how the Hubby was when HE was little! LOL

  4. LOL oh my gosh! what a stinker you had and I thought my boys were a mess! YAY for adulthood and survival. Great way to use your words.
    Spatulas On Parade

    1. Thank you, Dawn!!!
      He's still a stinker and a mess! LOL Even at 20!

  5. I wish I could say those days had passed, but my youngest is still a heap of trouble. :)

    The window story... oh yeah. LS used to climb out the living room window early in the morning while we all slept... supposedly to meet a friend. Needless to say I woke a few days in pure panic mode.

  6. Oh, mercy!!!! Yep! That'll turn you grey!!!

  7. Sounds like Cailin. That kid is freaking fearless and it drives me nuts!

    1. Sending HUGS to you!! When you have a fearless kid you need all the hugs you can get!

  8. Hope the fearlessness as served him well in adult hood! You'll get to remind him when he has a child .... what goes around...comes around! Just wait until he's chasing his child off the fire escape!!!

    Love how you used your words!

    1. Not sure the world will ever be ready for that!!! LOL


  9. It is very hard for me to read your post and not laugh! I know it is not funny and you were definitely not laughing while this was happening! Now, however, I am sure you are looking back and laughing hysterically. Bet he will be (or already is) a daredevil! This is a wonderfully funny post!

    1. THANK YOU!!!
      Yes, he is definitely a daredevil!! Heaven help me!! LOL


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)