
July 18, 2014

Use Your Words - July 2014

Today’s post is a writing challenge. This is how it works: participating bloggers picked 4 – 6 words or short phrases for someone else to craft into a post. All words must be used at least once and all the posts will be unique as each writer has received their own set of words. That’s the challenge, here’s a fun twist; no one who’s participating knows who got their words and in what direction the writer will take them. Until now.

At the end of this post you’ll find links to the other blogs featuring this challenge. Check them all out, see what words they got and how they used them. 
I’m using:               
They were submitted by:   

Links to the other “Use Your Words” posts:                                Baking In A Tornado                          Spatulas on Parade                      Stacy Sews and Schools                              Sparkly Poetic Weirdo         Confessions of a part-time working mom                        Dates 2 Diapers 2                  The Bergham’s Life Chronicles                        The Sadder But Wiser Girl                                    The Momisodes                   Someone Else’s Genius                 Follow me home . . .             Crumpets and Bollocks

Your words are: Graham crackers ~ blankets ~ flashlights ~ sandy toes ~    Inline image 1  ~ stars

They were submitted by:  

I am going to go about this post a bit differently. We just moved (no surprise there I'm sure) and the kids and I have been very sick. VERY sick. Sigh.... 

So, anyway.. I am going to do a little free association with my words and see how that works out. 

Graham Crackers - Cailey and Colin's first time making s'mores. It was just a few months ago, actually. We built a tiny fire on our concrete walkway and let them have at it. They LOVED it!! We need to do it again soon!!!

Blankets - My sick kids. All of them have been sick except Deanna. Not sure how she managed to steer clear of it but I am thankful that she did. This has been one nasty virus. As I type this Colin is sitting in a lukewarm bath. These fevers have been hard to break. 

Flashlights - The Hubby's obsession with them. ARGH!!!! He loves nothing more than to shine a bright light into my eyes!! What's up with that??? GRRR!! His newest flashlight has a strobe button. I'm not sure but I think he may lose that one soon. ;)

Sandy Toes - The first time each of my kids went to the beach. For the older 3 it was back in 1998. We went to my aunt's house in Myrtle Beach. They older 3 don't actually remember that trip, they were almost 4, 2 and 1. I have a great souvenir. Hee hee hee. My cousin took a pic of them in the bath while I washing the sand off and had it made into a t-shirt for me. I still have that shirt. It has been wonderful for blackmailing purposes. 
For the younger 2 it was last year when we went to Jekyll Island. They were so awed by the sand and the vastness of the ocean. 

 - My friend Karen at Baking in a Tornado. She is such a wonderful friend. For those of you that don't know, when my blog got frozen over at Wordpress she helped move the whole thing over here and set it up!!! Who else but a GREAT, WONDERFUL, AWESOME friend would do that????? She's an excellent cheerleader, always knowing what to say to make you laugh and smile.

Stars - Cailey, Colin and I were just having a discussion about stars and constellations the other day. Colin brought it up, talking about all the pictures the stars make. 

Well, it's about time to get Colin out of the tub. I sure hope this breaks his fever. I can't give him anymore Tylenol or Motrin for a bit. :( 

I promise I will get you all caught up with what's been going on around here very soon!! If I can just get a few moments to myself to compose my thoughts! LOL 
And in a couple of weeks (do I keep saying that??) I will back to my normal blogging.*

*Barring any unforeseen disasters


  1. Stacy, sick kids are no fun. I'm so sorry :( All my best to them.
    I love what you did with my words. It's fun getting to know about your world; the ups and downs are important.
    S'mores. We've been cheating and making them in the microwave...Still delicious.
    Hope you are all better very soon. <3

    1. Thank you so much!! I am glad you enjoyed it!!
      We are slowly getting better. It's been awful!!

  2. Free association, what a creative way to approach your words, love it.
    I hope everyone is feeling better soon. It's awful to have a house full of sickies.
    AND thank you so much for the kind compliments.

    1. THANK YOU!!!!!! And THANK YOU!!!
      I meant every word!!! <3!!

  3. I loved how you used your words!!! I hope the sickies go away quickly!!!

    1. Thank you, Jules!!! I think we are sloooowly getting there.

  4. I liked your approach. I wouldn't have thought to use them in free association! Bravo!

    I hope you and your babes feel better soon.

  5. You have come a long way moving and looking after your sick kids - hope you can all get some rest and get settled in properly so you can enjoy the summer!

    1. Thank you!!!!
      I guess we are paying for all that time at the pool! LOL

  6. Sorry you guys are so sick. Booo. Get to feeling better son.

  7. What evil person would create a strobe flashlight?

    This was a very creative approach.

    Hope your household gets to feeling better soon!

    1. Thanks, Jenn!!
      I know!! WHY would they make such a thing???? Torture, pure and simple.

  8. Moving is hectic enough without adding being sick into the mix. So sorry you've all been down, hope it improves more each day.
    Loved how you used the words.
    Spatulas On Parade

    1. Thank you, Dawn!!! We are slowly but surely getting better. Well, except for The Hubby, he's just now getting it.


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)