
August 22, 2014

Fly on the Wall - August 2014 - My Daddy

Welcome to a Fly on the Wall group post. Today 12 bloggers are inviting you to catch a glimpse of what you’d see if you were a fly on the wall in our homes. Come on in and buzz around my house.

Buzz around, see what you think, then click on these links for a peek into some other homes:                          Baking In A Tornado                                  The Rowdy Baker                                Just A Little Nutty                                          The Momisodes                          Spatulas on Parade                                   The Sadder But Wiser Girl                            Follow me home . . .                   Stacy Sews and Schools                                Menopausal Mother                                         Kim Ulmanis                          Someone Else’s Genius                                          Go Mamma O

Usually this is a lighthearted piece about all the goofy and silly things my kids have done over the month. Not this one. You see, I have had one of the worst months of my entire life. On August 10th I received a phone call from my aunt that  my Daddy had died in his sleep. He just slipped away, not warning. 

Well, I say no warning but in actuality we could have lost him at any time over almost 30 years. 

When he was in his early 30s he had cancer.
Then it was degenerative back disease.
Lyme disease
Brain Tumors
2 brain surgeries
Staph induced meningitis
and much much more
So much more that I can't even remember it all.
He was a disabled veteran.

But that's just the problems he had and not who he was. I am here to tell you about MY DADDY.

That is a picture of my Daddy when he was just a little guy. WHAT a trouble maker. He rode a pig! He climbed the Christmas tree! He talked his little brother into sticking his finger into an electrical outlet. I kid you not.
There are so many stories about the chaos he brought on. 

Not much changed as he grew older.
He used to have girls carry HIS books in school. And of course, they would also do his homework for him.

He was a charmer. A rascal. Ornery through and through.

But he was so much more.

He was in the Air Force and was very proud of his service to his country. He had wanted to make a career out of the Air Force but my mother had issues. He was honorably discharged and they headed home.
Not much more than a month or so later, I was born.
I was told that he professed to not being nervous at all but had 2 cigarettes lit at the time.

He was a joker. A prankster.
Pull my finger.
Go stand on your head and gargle peanut butter.
He could convince me of almost anything, especially when I was little. 

I was his Knothead (I've always been clumsy). His Okeedoe (Oh, kid, oh!!)

He always had a smile on his face and a joke on his lips. You couldn't stay down or unhappy in his presence. You just couldn't help it. 
He was incorrigible. 

He was so full of life, laughter and love.

I have no idea how I am supposed to live the rest of my life without him. My heart is broken into a million pieces.

I know I will get it through it. I've been through this before. The day my Daddy died was exactly a month before the 20th anniversary of my Mom's death. It's just SO HARD. 

I am trying, though. But then I will think, "I need to tell Dad....." and it hits like a ton of bricks all over again.

Heaven help me.

I have had such an outpouring of love and I thank every single one of you. You really don't know how much your kind words and <3 mean to me. THANK YOU!!!!!

Thank you to my Big Family for (literally) holding me and holding my hand. 

I miss you Daddy, now and forever. My life will never be the same. 

I meant to type so much more but this is even harder than I imagined it would be. 


  1. Oh Stacy my heart breaks for you and I totally understand. last year this time I was devastated over my Daddy leaving here and going to heaven.
    He was a jokester, loved to laugh and called me knothead as he did all his grandkids or little knot when we were little kids. I think of him often and the pain has lessened but I will always miss him.
    My aunt, his sister, sent me photos last week from the funeral, I did not know that they included a photo of him (in the casket) and when I saw it, the reaction was , well I fell apart.
    I have prayed and will continue to do so for you. I know it's hard, remember the good times, remember the laughs, laugh, cry and the healing will start. BIG HUGS to you girl!!

    1. Thank you so much. I am sending you big HUGS and prayers as well.
      Sounds like your Daddy and my Daddy would have been great friends.

  2. Your words are a beautiful tribute to a man you'll always miss.
    My heart is broken in a million pieces for you.

    1. Thank you so much for being there for me through all of this. You are an amazing friend.

  3. I'm crying over here, Stacy. I'm so sorry for your loss.
    Thank you for sharing a bit about your daddy.
    Sending love and prayers your way. <3

    1. Thank you very much!! I need all the love and prayers that I can get!!!!

  4. I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my dad six years ago and I think of him all the time. One of the reasons I took up blogging was to honor his wishes that I do something with my writing. This is a beautiful tribute to your father. Sending you BIG hugs! XO

    1. Thank you so much!
      I know you are making him proud!
      HUGS to you, too!!

  5. Stacy, thank you for sharing. Remember that you are loved by a lot of people, and quite a few of us understand. My dad died almost 33 years ago, and I still miss him. When my mom used to yell at me, "you're just like your father!" it would warm my heart :)

  6. I wish I could say you'd feel better soon, Stacy...but it takes a long, long time. You will probably always have those moments when you catch yourself picking up the phone to talk to your dad. Parents are such a huge part of who we are...and are probably the only ones who really knew who we were - it's a horrible loss.

    So sorry, Sweetie. It sounds like he was a remarkable, funny guy - you'll just have to carry the torch. Hugs.

    1. Thank you, Lorinda!
      I am going to try carrying that torch although I know I will fall short. I have to try.

  7. This post brought tears to my sorry for your loss. A beautiful tribute to your dad! May you find comfort and peace!

  8. Your tribute is just beautiful. I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine. Hugs, hugs, and more hugs for you and your family.


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)