
September 12, 2014

USE YOUR WORDS - September 2014


Today’s post is a writing challenge. This is how it works: participating bloggers picked 4 – 6 words or short phrases for someone else to craft into a post. All words must be used at least once and all the posts will be unique as each writer has received their own set of words. That’s the challenge, here’s a fun twist; no one who’s participating knows who got their words and in what direction the writer will take them. Until now.                              Baking In A Tornado                          Spatulas on Parade                     Stacy Sews and Schools                                   Sparkly Poetic Weirdo                       Evil Joy Speaks                            Someone Else’s Genius                              Confessions of a part-time working mom                            Follow me home . . .                        The Bergham’s Life Chronicles                                 The Sadder But Wiser Girl                                Battered Hope   

Your words are: fall ~ unwilling ~ cease ~ court ~ nature ~ wooden

They were submitted by:

I have discovered something about myself recently that I am not too happy about. I seem to have fall(en) into the habit of road rage. Well, maybe not RAGE so much as extreme aggravation! I have become an unwilling participant in my own actions. BUT I am aware of them now and will try to cease before I end up in court!!! It is absolutely against my nature to behave in this way! 

I'll tell you a little story. 
I was in a big city last weekend, the biggest city I have ever been. I was trying desperately to get over into the lane I needed to get to the interstate. NO ONE would let me over. So, I made my own way over. There was a bit of a break and I nosed the HUGE, GIANT rental truck over into that break. The next thing I knew horns were blaring. The Hubby asked me if I had just made everyone mad. I answered, "Yes, but I really don't give a !#$%!" The next thing I know someone is pulling up along side me and yelling. I look over and give them a little "go on about your business" hand wave, sort of like what they are saying to me doesn't matter one whit. They keep on yelling but I keep on flicking my hand at them. Now, was I in the wrong? Absolutely, but at the time I felt I had every right to do what I did. I have been beating myself up over it ever since. What if I had caused an accident???? 

That's not the only thing. When I was driving back from my Dad's funeral, I became that aggressive driver that everyone hates! I was coming up on slow traffic in the pass lane and nearly riding their bumpers until they moved out of the way! (I also ended up with a speeding ticket.)

Sometimes I get upset and start fussing out loud at all the idiot drivers on the road. Yep, I say quite a few bad words, too. 

BUT!!!! Now I am very aware of this behavior and I am going to try my best to stop it!!!! I am normally a very passive person. I just don't know what gets into me when I drive! 

From here on out whenever I start to feel upset I am just going to paste a wooden smile on my face until the feeling passes.


Thank you, Karen, for the great words! I was able to out myself and take responsibility for my bad behavior!!!

Don't forget to click all the links and read the amazing posts!!!


  1. Aw, don't be so hard on yourself. You were going through some pretty stressful times. Good for you, though, for calling out something you're working on. That's brave! <3

    1. Thank you!!!!!! <3
      After I wrote this it seems that the universe decided to test me. LOL I was nearly in an accident! Then 2 mins later I had to deal with an aggressive driver that had been terrorizing the people next to me.

  2. I went through a spell of road rage. Now I try, I said try, to pray a blessing over that person and prayed that everyone in their wake stays safe. Some drivers are so bad, no concern for others. Dangerous.
    Great post

    1. Oh, great idea, Dawn! I am going to try that!!! Thank you!!

  3. Oh, Stacy, that's nothing. I've seen some REALLY angry and aggressive drivers out there.
    I tend to talk to the frustrating drivers while I drive. They can't hear me but my kids grew up hearing things like "Hey, if you CAN'T drive, DON'T" and "Hellooooo. . . the gas is that little pedal NEXT TO the break. Try it, you might like it".

    1. ROFL!! I say those very same things!!! I have a special name for drivers that use their high beams on the interstate, The Morning Jerks! LOL

  4. The road is a convenient, yet dangerous place to blow off steam. How about listening and singing along to loud happy music instead? It's just not worth it to risk your health On the other hand, some people just need to be put in their place, and you were there to do it ;-)

    1. Thanks, Tamara!! I will definitely try that more often!!!! Sometimes I can laugh it off, other times, not so much.

  5. I feel you, Stacy...I flubbed a couple of weeks ago and let out a swear word that I never use...I was that mad, only because everyone was going slow and there was no way to pass anyone.

    1. Don't you just hate that?? And it never happens unless you are in a hurry!!

  6. Don't beat yourself up love! You're working on correcting it and that's what maters.

    Maybe you can invest in a punching bag to channel that rage :-D

  7. I'm sorry you had to deal with rude people - that's all you needed! And I not only swore in front of my oldest last night ... he was the one who calmed me down. He had my role.

    Wooden smiles are the best - especially when like Pinocchio they become real.

    1. THANK YOU!!!!!!!
      Very true!! Maybe if I try hard enough they will be!! :D

  8. This was so funny. I totally get it. When my husband gets to the city he turns into a different person and I sit in fear. Mind you, when I am behind the wheel, I'm a speed demon and have little to no patience for idiots on the road. You get the picture. One of my girlfriends told me the funniest thing that she does when she can't handle her rage and is beside the offending driver at a stop light. She roles down her window and yells "CAN I VACUUM YOUR CAR?" Then speeds away and the person in the other car is totally bewildered - she feels like a winner and didn't have to swear at them :)

    1. TOO FUNNY!!! I am going to have to remember that!!! LOL


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