
October 17, 2014

Fly on the Wall - October 2014


Welcome to a Fly on the Wall group post. Today 13 bloggers are inviting you to catch a glimpse of what you’d see if you were a fly on the wall in our homes. Come on in and buzz around my house.

Buzz around, see what you think, then click on these links for a peek into some other homes:                          Baking In A Tornado                                  The Rowdy Baker                                Just A Little Nutty                                          The Momisodes                          Spatulas on Parade                                   The Sadder But Wiser Girl                          Follow me home                 Stacy Sews and Schools                          Menopausal Mother                             Battered Hope                         Dinosaur Superhero Mommy                 Someone Else’s Genius               Crumpets and Bollocks

At some point I had a list for this month. I swear I did!!! But it has gone missing. ARGH!!! This may be a short post......


Cailey - I saw a rake, a baseball bat and a shovel... Not sure what those people were doing.


Deanna and I were in Kroger last week. I pointed out the pumpkin muffins to her. 
She makes this loud, shrill, intake of breath sound.
The guy stocking the dairy section turns around with a very concerned look on his very twitchy face.
I assure him that she is OK. Everything is OK. Really. 


Deanna and I were sitting in the van in the driveway after the Kroger incident and we were discussing Cailey's comment from last month where we were reminded of QWOP. 
Deanna starts QWOPing in the front seat. 
We are laughing hysterically when we look up (at the same time) and realize that there's a man in a truck across the street staring at us.


Cailey - Everything has a heart except zombies, jellyfish and lawyers. 


Deanna accidentally bumps into Colin, knocking him down.
Deanna - I'm so sorry.
Colin - It's OK. It's not your fault you have a big butt.


Deanna - I'm not going to need numbers! I'm going to be a psychologist!

Cailey - Oh, yeah??? Ms. B, I have a fear of numbers!


Cailey watching a cartoon - Well, that was anti-climatic. 


Crazy Cailey!

I've started my Halloween baking! Brownie coffins with candy skeletons

                        Monster cupcakes!!!!

             My most recent fabric purchases!!! 

Well, that's it folks.... Nothing else to see! ;)

Check out all the other bloggers and see what's been going on with them! Bound to be MUCH more exciting than around here! 


  1. "It's not your fault you have a big butt". Snort. Bet that went over well!
    Can't wait to see what you do with that fabric :)

    1. She took it fairly well. LOL
      THANKS!! I can't wait until I figure out what to do with it! LOL ;)

  2. I just love that pic of Cailey. So funny.
    You did such a great job with all that Halloween baking. It's my favorite time of year to bake.
    And I can't wait to see what you do with that cool material.

    1. THANK YOU!!
      We always have SO much fun in the kitchen with Halloween treats! Next time I am turning the cupcake decorating over to the kids. That ought to be something.... LOL

  3. Funny kids, hilarious pics,and yummy treats. You have it all going on at your house this month.
    "Well that was anti-climatic" -best line :)

    1. Thank you!!
      I swear, I never know what she's going to say next! LOL

  4. Love your Halloween baked goods! I want to try and make gingerbread men with skeleton icing.

    1. Thank you!!

      OH!! Me, too! They look so cool!!!! A friend posted a pic of some the other day.

  5. Your Cailey is one funny, smart girl! OMG LOVE the Walking Dead fabric, too! Great FLY post!

  6. OMG I love the picture of your daughter! LOL
    As always I love the funny moments you share with your kids.

  7. Halloween baking! WOW -- I miss those days of little ones around the house. Enjoyed the word pictures!

  8. Your brownies and cupcakes are adorable!

    Where did you find The Walking Dead fabric!!?? Must. Have. (even though I don't sew)

    1. Thank you!!

      LOL!! It was at JoAnn's. Trying to get back there this weekend and pick up some more. So far that hasn't worked out for me. LOL

  9. Cailey and I could be BFFs. So could you and I, but my pants would hate me.
    Loved this post.


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)