
March 13, 2015

Use Your Words - March 2015 - SPRING!

Today’s post is a writing challenge. This is how it works: participating bloggers picked 4 – 6 words or short phrases for someone else to craft into a post. All words must be used at least once and all the posts will be unique as each writer has received their own set of words. That’s the challenge, here’s a fun twist; no one who’s participating knows who got their words and in what direction the writer will take them. Until now.

Your words are:

Mud ~ Spring ~ Dirt ~ Flowers ~ Snow

They were submitted by: Southern Belle Charm 

As I write this there is still a little snow on the ground. I love it. Snow is one of my favorite things.
But it's melting, turning all the dirt into mud. That means one thing, spring is on its way! With spring comes another one of my favorite things, flowers!

Ok, that was a little toooooo easy. ;) Let's take this in another direction.

Here are my words again and what they mean to me. 

MUD - I am not one of those moms that freaks out when their kids get dirty. I actually encourage my kids to get out in the mud and roll around! LOL Play in it!! Make mud pies!! Have mud fights!!! 
I think we should let the kids BE kids. Let them play! They are only children for such a short time. We make playing a priority. ;)

Check out that Splish Splash Rain Cape! ;)

SPRING - My 2nd favorite season, after autumn and before winter. I love how green everything gets, how new it all is. I love all the flowers. I love how all the animals respond to the warmer weather. 
What I DON'T like is the pollen!!!!

DIRT - See mud. Although, I don't like dirt getting tracked into the house. Drives me CRAZY!!!!!

FLOWERS - I love flowers!! I buy fresh cut flowers all the time. Why buy fresh cut when you can grow them?? Well, I CAN'T grow them. I am death to flowers. DEATH!!! I can't grow ANYTHING!!! It's so disappointing. 

SNOW - One of my FAVORITE things!! It's just so beautiful!! The only really beautiful thing about winter, really... I figure, if it's going to be cold, it might as well snow and be pretty! ;) Plus the kids love to play in it!! 

I hope you like how I used my words!! ;)

Don't forget to click all the links to the other posts and show some comment love! :)


  1. I'm with you on the snow - if it's going to be cold, make it a real winter with pretty snow!
    And when the time has come - like NOW - go away, winter, and make room for spring with all its lovely colors!
    Time to confess that I'm one of those moms who think kids can be kids without rolling around in mud. I'd much rather have a nice piece of chocolate mud cake!!

    1. OOH!! Chocolate mud cake sounds divine!!!! I want some!!!! :D

  2. I always fought with myself over the kids playing in mud thing. Mud really is so much fun but so destructive in a home, especially on wood floors. I didn't mind it in the summer, though, when it was hot out because I could just hose the kids off on the lawn and bring them in to the house. Perfect solution.

    1. LOL! I make them leave their muddy things at the door and each one hits a bathroom. It's pretty easy clean up that way. ;)

  3. Sometimes I'm sad that we don't get snow where I live, we live in a valley and the weather is always too warm for the rain to turn into snow. But I do love spring. It's still another 6 months away down here as we've just welcomed summer, but I look forward to watching all of you guys enjoy your hard earned warmer months.

    1. Oh, that stinks! We have lived in places where it never snowed. I missed it like crazy!!!
      Ah, summer, my least favorite season, unless I can spend the entire time by a pool! LOL

  4. That was easy but I love how you use the words and give us little paragraphs for each.

  5. I didn't like how you used your words....I loved it!

    I love snow too! Well...watching it from inside, wrapped in a blankie with Christmas movies playing and hot tea.

    Playing in rain puddles and mud pits was one of my favorite activities as a kid.

    Fun post ❤

    1. YAY!! So glad you loved it!! :D
      I loved playing in the mud when I was a kid, too! I had special pans for my mud pies! LOL

  6. Try tulips. Plant once and they grow forever. I have tulips in my yard that I didn't even PLANT and they still pop up every year without me doing anything.

    Just a thought. ;)

    1. OH!! Tulips are my absolute favorites!!! I am going to have to try them!! I would LOVE it if I could grow them!

      THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!

  7. I took my kids out last week to splash in the puddles as the snow melted. My neighbor and I stopped to chat and she thought I was absolutely BONKERS!!! She could not believe that I was letting my kids get messy and dirty. What the heck is the point of rain boots if you don't splash in some puddles??

    1. EXACTLY!!!! And it's almost impossible for kids to resist anyway!!!! LOL

  8. I love both of the ways you used your words! Although, I just can't seem to agree with you on the snow.


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)