
June 19, 2015

Fly on the Wall - June 2015

Welcome to a Fly on the Wall group post. Today 18 bloggers are inviting you to catch a glimpse of what you’d see if you were a fly on the wall in our homes. Come on in and buzz around my house.

Buzz around, see what you think, then click on these links for a peek into some other homes:

 Baking In A Tornado

 Spatulas on Parade

 Follow me home 

Well, I'm pretty sure a fly would have been bored to tears at my house this month. :/ We haven't really been doing much of anything. 
We're done with school. We just finished testing this week. 
It's too hot to do anything outside or go anywhere. SIGH..
We were having a nice cool spring then out of nowhere the gates of hell open up and spew out this heat!!! BLECK!!!!!!!!! Make it go away!!!!!!! How long until fall????

Anyway, here are a few pictures of what we did manage to do.

The girls got new glasses. Deanna won't let me take a picture of her. :/ 
All I can say is, thank goodness for good vision insurance because my girls have expensive taste! Cailey picked some cute Kate Spade frames and Deanna picked Dolce and Gabbana!! YEESH!!! glasses. 

7-11 has new Slurpee straws! YAY! Last year it was mustaches, this year it's animal faces! 

We got some swimming in!! YAY!!! 
We have some friends that just moved down here. They are staying in the same hotel we stayed in last year. Love that pool! ;) 

We rescued an orphaned raccoon.
It was soooo cute and tiny!!!
We gave it to some friends that have done that sort of thing before. There's just no way that I would have to time. That little booger was eating non-stop! LOL 

I found a CHEAP rock painting kit at Barnes & Noble. The kids had a lot of fun with it. 

So, that's about it. Pretty boring around here. ;) 

Well, there's one more thing... Deanna has now gone on her first date (and 2nd and 3rd). SO MUCH hilarity ensued but I don't think she would appreciate me repeating much of it. Although Jacob talking about a machete was pretty funny... 
I WILL tell you one thing that Colin said. "What? Deanna's dating? No way. Nuh, uh... We have enough family members! We have way too many people in this house as it is!" I said, "Buddy, she's just going on a date. She's not getting married. He's not moving in." 



  1. I wish we had a 7/11 I want a straw!! Cute glasses and oh my! too many ppl in this house, that's funny.

    1. I'm just a few hours north of you, Dawn! Drive up and we'll get some Slurpees! ;)

  2. um you rescued a racoon...that is NOT boring, that is friggin cool! Love their new glasses and rock painting is so cool

    1. LOL! True, that part was definitely fun. LOL

      THANK YOU!!

  3. That baby raccoon looks so sweet and small! I don't think I could raise one, though!
    Love your daughter's new glasses. Tell her she looks fab :)
    Hey, the summer months are meant to be laid back; glad you are getting the swimming and slurpees in!
    Happy Friday, Stacy <3

    1. It was such a little sweetie but my goodness so demanding!
      THANK YOU!!!!!!
      Happy Friday to you, too!!! <3

  4. My husband raised raccoons as a kid and loved it. Hope you still get to visit the little guy!

    1. COOL!! I told the people that we gave it to that I definitely wanted pictures at the very least! LOL

  5. Seems like you did a lot this past month after all, rock painting, swimming, racoon saving!
    Love all of Colin's comments about Deanna's dating. Now that's funny.

    1. Yeah, it wasn't as busy as normal but maybe not as boring now that I look back. LOL
      Oh, alllll of the kids have been giving her such a hard time. It's hilarious.

  6. OMG I wish I lived near you---I would have adopted that baby raccoon in a heartbeat!!!

    1. It was just the sweetest little thing. I hated giving it up.

  7. Rescuing baby racoons isn't boring!! That is absolutely freakin' awesome! That sweet little face and those claws. Oh what a fun experience to have!
    Rock painting is super fun! Neat idea for a fun craft that doesn't fight for space on the mantle or fridge door. My people may need to do this for an afternoon.

    1. Definitely try the rock painting. It kept them busy for quite a while! Can't beat that! LOL
      It really was a cool experience. Something we will definitely never forget.

  8. What a precious raccoon but good thing you found a home for him -- they don't stay little very long. Your pics are great - makes you want to jump in the pool and have fun.

  9. I thought the raccoon was a hedgehog! Totally adorable, though. I think you've done more fun things so far this summer than us - we're still in baseball season and it is HOT. You're not kidding about the gates of hell and all that!

  10. That baby raccoon is so precious. Can't wait to hear how that turns out. And I'll be looking for those new 7-11 slurpee straws.

  11. Love the photos - that slurpee straw ROCKS!

  12. I love those straws!! I'll have to make a trip to 7-11 to pick some up. The kids would be so happy!

  13. Busy but happy times! Love the raccoon and the painted rocks! And Colin is probably right. It starts with a date. Next thing you know they're sitting at the dinner table ;-)


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