
December 3, 2012

SEW SEW Excited!

Yep! I am excited!!!! I was driving down the road after dropping off a load of boxes at the recycling center when I decided to check out the little fabric store. Well, it was CLOSED! Well, snot... So I continued on to K-Mart. As I was driving I kept thinking to myself, "I KNOW I saw another little fabric store here SOME where!" About the time I finished that thought I SAW it!! AND it was open! YIPPPEEE!! So, I stopped to check it out. Now, it's not big by any means, but it is well stocked. They have Moda, Michael Miller and more! AND their prices are very nice, $7.95/yd for Michael Miller! Not too shabby.

As I was checking it all out I came across a $1 table!!!! OMGosh!! AND there were baskets set up with notions for 50 cents!!! So I bought a couple of packs of black, shiny rickrack and a zipper. LOL Since I was a new customer she gave me 1 back issue of Sew Beautiful and 1 back issue of Mary Jane's Farm, which is a new one to me.


Now, like I said, it IS small, but it will work. I might even be able to get her to order bolts for me. :)

Yep, I'm a happy sewist! ;)

I entered the Gingerbread Dress in the open auditions for the next season of Project Run & Play. Wish me luck!!!


  1. Yippeee on the fabric store find and the contest entry.

  2. Thanks!!! :)
    I feel SOOOOO much better now that I have somewhere close to buy fabric! LOL It just isn't the same unless you can touch it!! LOL

  3. Stacy,
    I am sew happy for you... You are SO isn't the same ,if you can't feel it, look at it and feel it
    I wish I had a real fabric store.. . I love sew beautiful magazines.. I buy them every 2 months when they come out, They always have a cute pattern or 2 in there. and soooo many cute ideas.. You will love it for Cailey. I havent heard of the other one..
    good luck on the gingerman dress.

  4. Good for you finding a fabric store! You are right, can't touch it, not the same. The gingerbread dress is so cute, keeping everything crossed. Is this a small locally owned store? I don't have one of those here, wish I did. Love ya,

  5. Thank you SEW much, Judy! LOL
    I bought one of the Sew Beautiful magazines once and loved it! This one is the next to last issue out, I think! :)

  6. Yep, it is a small local store. There are 2 here. LOL Only 2 grocery stores but 2 fabric stores! LOL

  7. I wish I had a fabric store besides WalMart! I'm glad you found one! Good luck with the gingerbread dress, I thought it was adorable. I have just committed myself to making 100 dresses for a mission group to take to South Africa. I have worked up a pretty simple peasant dress pattern and will be sewing till I drop!

  8. THANK YOU, Pam!
    WOW!! That is AWESOME!!!! What group are you going through? I would love to be able to help!

  9. I'm not sure of the group name but I can find out for you! My friend is very involved and she visits there yearly. She said most of the kids have never had anything new! I also hope after this to be able to make some boys clothes and some simple toys.

  10. That is just GREAT!!!!! Let me know! I would love to help out!


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