
May 9, 2014

Secret Subject Swap - May 2014

Welcome to a Secret Subject Swap. This week, 15 brave bloggers picked a secret subject for someone else and were assigned a secret subject to interpret in their own style. Today we are all simultaneously divulging our topics and submitting our posts. 

Here are links to all the sites now featuring Secret Subject Swap posts.  Sit back, grab a cup, and check them all out. See you there:                           Baking In A Tornado                                        The Momisodes                        Someone Else’s Genius                            FBX Adventures (In Parenting)                      Spatulas on Parade                 Stacy Sews and Schools                          Confessions of a part time working mom                        Outmanned                  Evil Joy Speaks                         Impoverished Vegan                         Climaxed                     The Bergham’s Life Chronicles                             Sparkly Poetic Weirdo                                  Dinosaur Superhero Mommy              Silence of the Mom

Your “Secret Subject” is:
The moment I realized my childhood was over was when . . .
It was submitted by:

This one was very challenging for me. I could have gone a thousand different ways with it. Goodness knows I had far from the normal childhood! Here it is the day before the challenge and I am just now sitting down to write this up!!! It's been on my mind alllll of the long, busy week. 

I think my real childhood began when I had my own children. I get to do all the things I missed as a kid as well as some things I didn't. I get to be silly with them, play with them, and explore things through their eyes. We try to have so much fun in everything we do. We try to think outside of the box and use our imaginations to the fullest. 

We try to do as much fun stuff as we can! Fairs, zoos, museums, travelling, shopping at Toys R Us (I always wanted to go there when I was a kid), and always the park!! Then you have mud pies, dandelion necklaces, and catching fireflies and frogs!

Nope, I don't think my childhood will be over until all my kids are grown and by then I should have some grandchildren! Maybe my childhood will never realllllly be over. I think most people are really still kids at heart no matter how old there are or what kind of childhood they had. We are all young in spirit!

Found this pic HERE.

Forever a child at heart :) by Morwen

Don't Wanna Grow Up
Pic found HERE

Unfortunate Reality


  1. love how you wrote this...and so true. Even now as a 38 yr old mom, I still don't feel grown up sometimes. We are all still young at heart, still want to laugh, love, live. I know if I do have granchildren I will play with them even harder...enjoying their youth.

    1. I just turned the big 0-4 this year.... But I still feel so young in my mind! LOL

      THANK YOU!!!!!!!

  2. Very sweet! Love what you did with the prompt.

    It's good for the soul to have the heart of a child in us! It gives us a beautiful, awe-inspiring view of the world.

  3. I am so with you on this one. I don't want to grow up. I'm having too much fun being a kid still.

    1. Definitely!!!!
      If anyone needs me, I'll be in my couch fort with my coloring books! :)

  4. I love your answer because it's the opposite of what I expected, but it's so true. I had so much fun sharing my kids' childhood with them that in a way it did keep me young.

    1. I thought long and hard about my answer but this is what came out as being the absolute most honest. And that's what speaks to me the loudest.

      THANK YOU!!!!!!!

  5. I'm glad to hear your childhood is in full swing! I think more "adults" need to revert. The world is just too serious sometimes! :)

  6. Love this!!! I didn't really have a childhood. Nothing close to a normal one. I want the opposite for my girl. In many ways I feel like I'm more of a kid, now that I have her, than I was as a kid.

    1. That's exactly the way it is/was with me. I was the "grown-up" in my house when I was a kid. I took care of myself and my mom. Once I had kids of my own I reallllly knew what I had missed.

  7. What a great answer. I never really thought about it like that, but it does feel like getting to have a second childhood when you have kids of your own: getting to experience everything for the first time again through their eyes.

  8. Thank you!!!!
    It's very magical when you think about it.

  9. Cindy Walsh, my mom character, says it all: "when you're a kid, all you want to do is getting older, and when you grow up? You just want to be a kid again!"

    Aren't we blessed to get the chance to have our piece of childhood with our kids? I observe it best with my own dad, by the way. He definitely enjoys his share of childhood as a retired granddad!

    I wanted to wish you a Happy Mother's Day, Stacy! Now what do I say? Happy Childhood Day?

    1. We are definitely blessed!!!

      I'd go with Happy Childish Mother Day! LOL


  10. Hmmm...I'm probably right there with you on this one. Some days, I feel immature for wanting to goof off with the kids all day, and others I feel old as dirt, lol!

    1. LOL! Well, I didn't say ho old my BODY feels... Just my mind! ;)

  11. I love your attitude on your childhood. I never really thought about it like that!


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)