
January 6, 2015

DIY Jar Luminaries

SIGH... I really should have borrowed Deanna's game for this shot. (We got her an awesome Nikon for Christmas.) My stupid old iPhone stinks!!!!
ANYWAY, I have been wanting to try this out for a very long time. It was super fast and super easy. I did both in 15 mins. LOL 

This is what I used - 

2 left over sauce jars
1 bag of epsom salts
Regular school glue
Foam brush
2 bags of clear plastic gems from the Dollar Tree
1 pack of 2 fake tea lights from the Dollar Tree
1 thing of silver glitter washi tape
2 plastic white trees that came off of our Christmas crackers
Something to dump the epsom salts in


Add a little water to your glue.

Take the foam brush and add the glue to the sides of the jars. I found that dabbing worked better than brushing.

Roll the jars in the epsom salts. I poured some out into the green tray.

Add the washi tape to the top of the jars.

Dumb the clear plastic gems inside.

Add the fake tea lights. 

Glue the little plastic trees on the rim.

Voila! All done!!! 

All in all, these cost me about $6 to make. You just can't beat that. I had everything sitting around the house except for the washi tape, fake tea lights and plastic gems. 

I then made a table runner out of opaque fabric with little flecks of silver on it. Looks a little bit like snow and ice. PERFECT for your winter home decor!!! 

SIGH.... I really need a real camera. I wonder if Deanna would notice if hers went missing?????

HAVE FUN CRAFTING!!! And if you have any snow, send it my way, please!!! ;)


  1. Those look perfect for winter decor.
    Now I have to go google washi tape.

    1. LOL!!! THANK YOU!!!! :D I had a good time making them!

  2. Stacy I really like these!

    They are super cute and inexpensive-exactly my cup of tea 😊

      They were so easy to do! Let me know if you give them a try!! :D


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)