
January 9, 2015

Secret Subject Swap - January 2015

Welcome to a Secret Subject Swap. This week, 14 brave bloggers picked a secret subject for someone else and were assigned a secret subject to interpret in their own style. Today we are all simultaneously divulging our topics and submitting our posts.

Here are links to all the sites now featuring Secret Subject Swap posts. Sit back, grab a cup, and check them all out. See you there:

Your “Secret Subject” is:

You're given the option to take a pill that will allow you to tell anyone in your life, past or present, exactly what you think or feel about them. The catch is you will have absolutely no filter. Once the pill is taken you won't be able to pick and choose what you say. It will all come out, bad or good, and you won't stop until the truth is out in its entirety. Do you take the pill? Why or why not? If so, who do you choose? What are some things you would say?

It was submitted by: Climaxed

WOW!What a great prompt!!!! I would like to say that I thought about it for a while before writing but I didn't. My instinct is to say NO! I absolutely would NOT take that pill. 

Now, that's not to say that I don't know a few people that I COULD use it on. That's not the case AT ALL. I can think of 3 people right off the top of me head. LOL 

I am a fairly passive person. Even when pushed, even when I lose my temper, I try very hard to never say anything hurtful, whether I believe someone deserves it or not. I just can't bring myself to be deliberately hurtful. 

You see, words DO hurt. They cut very deeply. I don't want to be responsible for someone else's pain. No thank you. I have had enough of that done TO me, I don't want to be the cause of it. No matter what. I just can't justify that. 

You can't take something back once it's out there. No amount of apologizing can take the sting out of mean, hurtful words. They will always be there in the person's mind. 

Of course, the other side to the question says it can be good things. Well, I like to think that I already tell people the good things. I try to make sure that everyone I love knows that I love them. I've lost too many people that I love to do it any other way. We are never guaranteed tomorrow. Say what you need to say today, at least the good stuff. 

I hope that I build people up. I think we need more of that in the world. I hope that if someone comes to me that I would be able to tell them good things. That I would be a positive influence and not a negative one. 

I would like to take this moment to tell all the wonderful ladies that participate in all of the Friday challenges and the Blog with Friends challenges, exactly what I think.
I feel so privileged to be a part of all this with you. You are all amazing, wonderful, thoughtful, beautiful people. I count you all among my friends. Thank you all so much for letting me know you and for letting me be a part of all this with you. 


  1. My sentiments exactly… on every single statement! especially the last paragraph :-)

  2. That was great! My first instinct was to say yes. That's because I keep my mouth shut a lot of the time. I don't always say what I'm thinking. Then I get mad at myself for not sticking up for myself.

    1. I think sticking up for yourself and telling someone exactly what you think about them are 2 different things. I have stuck up for myself but I didn't tell the person just what a !#$%^ they were. LOL

  3. wow...that's a tough choice babe! I wish I had done and said more with my sister before she moved away...

    I love all the ladies I blog with...if only we could all hang out in one room all day and chill, chat, and eat

    that being said, I would say no...I often speak my mind anyway, but know once the truth is out there is no taking it back. Sometimes it's not worth the drama.

    1. It would be the BEST THING EVER to hang out with all of you!!!!

      Exactly!!! More drama and with the people I have in mind, if my words hurt them, they would just lash out at others. No point in it.

  4. I'm torn. Only because I think there would be a feeling of liberation with saying everything you ever wanted to.

    I think if I picked would have to be with a politician getting out all my thoughts, likes, frustrations and criticisms. But they would have to listen. Maybe I don't care about hurting politicians feelings because I don't think they're people? (Kidding-ish.)

    I'm not sure saying everything to our loved ones would be accepted or appreciated so I'm going to stick with no.

    And I'm glad I've had the opportunity to read and meet you! ❤

    1. THANK YOU, Jenn!!!!! <3

      Hmm, politicians, I didn't think about them. There might be a few of them that I wouldn't mind letting it all out to. LOL Especially when their poor or greedy choices impact so many.

    2. Exactly! A person in an authoritative position needs to know all sides and opinions not just the ones they favor and know the feelings and thoughts of the public.

    3. Unfortunately I think there are some that do know, they just don't care. They are too busy looking out for themselves. :/

  5. This answer is so you and exactly why I feel privileged to have "met" you.

  6. I'd have to say no to taking it~ I don't want to hurt anyone. I work hard to always say the good things to people. None of us hear those enough!
    Good job.

    1. Thank you, Minette!!! I agree! We never hear enough good stuff! The bad stuff abounds and is too easy to dwell on.

  7. I'm a pretty blunt person. Most people know exactly how I feel about certain things and even about them, but at the end of the day I do still have a filter and hold back a lot of things I think that don't necessarily have a place in the spaces between me and the person I'm thinking them about.... I'm totally with you. I wouldn't take the pill either. And I definitely agree on the last paragraph. I haven't been doing this as long as some of you, but you all welcomed me in and I've loved every minute of it :)

    1. I am so glad that you joined! It's just the best group of people ever!!! :D

  8. You are a better woman than I. I would take the pill and there are two people I would have no problem speaking my mind to, hurt feelings or no.

    Then again, there are some people who deserve what they get, no matter where it comes from.

  9. I think when I was in the 10th grade I took that pill. I mean a very mean mouthed young girl, giving out exactly what I thought with little to no filter. I hurt a lot of feelings and not excusing it but I was a deeply hurt and troubled girl. I took it out on everyone else.
    YES words do hurt and I no longer am that person.
    THANK YOU for being the sweet person you are and I am honored to count you among friends.

    1. I took those issues and turned them inward. I took it all out on myself.

      THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)