
August 7, 2015

Secret Subject Swap - August 2015

Welcome to a Secret Subject Swap. This week 16 brave bloggers picked a secret subject for someone else and were assigned a secret subject to interpret in their own style. Today we are all simultaneously divulging our topics and submitting our posts.

Here are links to all the sites now featuring Secret Subject Swap posts. Sit back, grab a cup, and check them all out. See you there:

 Baking In A Tornado

 The Momisodes

 The Bergham’s Life Chronicles

 Stacy Sews and Schools

 Dinosaur Superhero Mommy

 Spatulas on Parade

 Southern Belle Charm

 Never Ever Give Up Hope

 Sparkly Poetic Weirdo

 Silence of the Mom

 Someone Else’s Genius

 Confessions of a part-time working mom

 The Angrivated Mom

 More Than Cheese and Beer

 Searching for Sanity 


My subject is “
I think everyone has seen a movie or read a book and found themselves disappointed in the ending. How would you rewrite the ending? ”. It was submitted by More Than Cheese and Beer . Here goes:

Ohhhh boy.... Are you SURE you want me to address this subject??????? Ok... Well, you asked for it. ;)

Let's talk Harry Potter.... The books first and then I'll get to the movies. 

Did we HAVE to kill off everyone??? Well, nearly everyone?? WHY Dobby? Hedwig? Mad-Eye? 
I understand Sirius and Dumbledore, really I do... But STILL!!! Fred???? Lupin and Tonks???? 

Now, the movies!!!
Why leave out sooooo many great parts?? I understand that not all of the stuff can fit but can we at least TRY??
Why leave out Peeves and Winky??? 
Sigh... Most of us really would watch 4 hour movies if they followed the books properly. 

So, if I were to rewrite all the endings, nearly everyone would live!!! LOL We can kill off the bad guys, actually I would kill MORE of them off. LOL 

And if the movies were left up to me, they would follow the books!!!!! So, there! ;) 

Don't forget to check out the other links!!!! 


  1. I'm a terrible person.... I never read the books, but I do have to agree with you. The last two really didn't do anything for me and I wish they would have been different.

    1. There are just sooo many things that were left out of the movies that I found myself having to explain so much to people that watch the movies but didn't read the books. There was such a big disconnect. :/

  2. What a great prompt...I would not be able to stop writing...I have so many books that I wish could have ended differently or kept going on and on and on.

    1. Well, I have been on a bit of a time constraint. LOL I probably could have gone on forever... LOL

  3. I just finished reading the series, and I honestly cried for the last 2 hours reading the book. In fact it took me longer to finish it because i was an absolute snotty mess. BUT, i think harry had to lose so many people to be his strength in the end. I think maybe those losses are what gave him the courage to choose to make the biggest sacrifice. But man i really didn't want sirius to go. I kinda fell for that character a little bit.

    1. ME, TOO!!!!! I had such a thing for Sirius.
      I was a mess all the way through the last book. One time I even threw it across the room!!!
      I know that JK Rowing wanted to leave Harry without any of his adult support but man... Hedwig???? Dobby???? Fred?? My poor aching heart!

  4. I almost always end up disappointed when I read a book and then see the movie. I think Hollywood needs to hire you and I to be sure they get it right.
    Gone Girl was a book that I loved, but did not like the ending. The problem was I didn't know how I felt. Did the ending ruin the whole book for me? I still am not sure.

    1. Oh, I KNOW!!!! I had such issues with the end of that one. GRRRR!!!!! Makes me want to smack the author!!! LOL
      I would definitely take that job!! LOL

  5. I would have picked the same series! Oh I love you Stacy...Hedwig the end of his childhood shook me...Dobby broke my heart...then Fred shattered it.

  6. I have never read Harry Potter so can't comment. But there are many books and movies I would like to change the ending. Lately John Grisham's books disappoint with the endings.

    1. Oh, yes, the Grisham books to movies are just a mess. In some instances you almost can't recognize what it's supposed to be!

  7. I may be the only person on the planet not to like Harry Potter, however I do like your choice of not killing people. Sounds like the right thing to do.
    PS: there's a pool party going on in your garden - well, over at my blog. Come and have a cocktail!

    1. GASP!!!!! No like HP??? No way!!! This does not compute! I don't understand!!

  8. I hate it when they turn books into movies for that very reason, the movies never do the books justice. The only time I've preferred the movie to the book was The Devil Wears Prada. The rest of the time I'll take the book any day.

    1. Oh, yes! The Devil Wears Prada and I Am Legend. MUCH prefer the movies to the books. And I NEVER say that!!!

  9. I've not read the HP books and I've only seen the first movie.
    I have read literally thousands of books and seen some movies that go alone with them, they are always so different and not always bad.

    1. Not ALWAYS bad but sometimes I have to wonder if the screen writers even read the books they are supposed to be adapting! LOL

  10. So aggravating when movies deviate so much from books or leave out crucial parts. Or add stuff that wasn't there!

  11. JK Rowling is a genius - 7 books, 7 meaningful deaths, 7 horcruxes to make her live forever. Just saying.

    1. OH MY GOSH!!!!! I never thought of it that way!!! YILES!!!!!


I <3 comments!! Thank you so much for taking the time! :)