At the end of this post you’ll find links to the other blogs featuring this challenge. Check them all out, see what words they got and how they used them.
I’m using:
horse ~ Magnolia ~ yarn ~ friend ~ gilt ~ beige
It was submitted by: https://www.southernbellecharm.com
Horse - I have been on horseback exactly 2 times in my life. Neither time turned out well for for me.... Once I was bucked off and the other the horse took off in a gallop. I have since decided that horseback riding is NOT for me.
Magnolia - I can remember being a little girl and climbing the magnolia tree in my grandmother's front yard. It was such a great climbing tree. My cousins and I would climb out on the big, low branch and hang upside down.
Also - Steel Magnolias - One of my all time favorite movies ever! Guaranteed to always make me laugh and cry. Great, big, ugly, cry!!!!
Yarn - I love crafting and sewing but two things I cannot do are knitting or crocheting. I once tried to crochet a scarf.... I ended up with a coaster. Seriously... a coaster.....
Friend - The best word in all of the English language. I been blessed with so many wonderful friends. So many kind, caring, wonderful women, have been there for me over the last 3 1/2 years. I will never ever be able to repay them all for the love and support they have given me. I feel so unworthy of it. I love you all! So very deeply! THANK YOU!!!
Gilt - Shiny. Pretty. OOOOHH!!!!
Beige - Now I am a lover of all colors....... EXCEPT...... Brown.... Beige.... I just can't..... I don't know why. I can even do orange!!! But not beige.. There was a blouse I saw the other day that would have been SOOOOO CUTE had it not been beige gingham!!! BEIGE GINGHAM!!! GOOD GRIEF!! What is the world coming to when there's beige gingham??? I give up.
I'm going to have to do better than free association soon! I'm going back to school in 6 weeks!! I'll be a college freshman at 45! Oh my...... And English Comp 101 is one of my courses. Ha ha!!!!
Baking In A Tornado https://www.bakinginatornado.com
Wandering Web Designer https://wanderingwebdesigner.com/blog
Cognitive Script https://cognitivescript.blogspot.com
The Bergham Chronicles https://berghamchronicles.blogspot.com/
On the Border https://dlt-lifeontheranch.blogspot.com/
Follow Me Home https://followmehome.shellybean.com
The Crazy Mama Llama https://www.thecrazymamallama.com/
Climaxed https://climaxedtheblog.blogspot.com
Southern Belle Charm https://www.southernbellecharm.com
Bookworm in the Kitchen https://www.bookwormkitchen.com/
Links to the other “Use Your Words” posts:
Baking In A Tornado https://www.bakinginatornado.com
Wandering Web Designer https://wanderingwebdesigner.com/blog
Cognitive Script https://cognitivescript.blogspot.com
The Bergham Chronicles https://berghamchronicles.blogspot.com/
On the Border https://dlt-lifeontheranch.blogspot.com/
Follow Me Home https://followmehome.shellybean.com
The Crazy Mama Llama https://www.thecrazymamallama.com/
Climaxed https://climaxedtheblog.blogspot.com
Southern Belle Charm https://www.southernbellecharm.com
Bookworm in the Kitchen https://www.bookwormkitchen.com/