Welcome to a Fly on the Wall group post. Today 15 bloggers are inviting you to catch a glimpse of what you’d see if you were a fly on the wall in our homes. Come on in and buzz around my house.
Buzz around, see what you think, then click on these links for a peek into some other homes:
http://BakingInATornado.com Baking In A Tornado - The Queen of all things bloggy and the mastermind behind Fly on the Wall AND the Secret Subject Swap!!
http://www.justalittlenutty.com/ Just a Little Nutty
http://followmehome.shellybean.com Follow me home . . .
http://stacysewsandschools.wordpress.com/ Stacy Sews and Schools
http://thesadderbutwisergirl.com The Sadder But Wiser Girl
http://menopausalmother.blogspot.com/ Menopausal Mother
http://mooreorganizedmayhem.blogspot.com/ Moore Organized Mayhem
http://hypnoticbard.blogspot.com/ The Insomniac’s Dream
http://themomisodes.com/ The Momisodes
http://spatulasonparade.blogspot.com/ Spatulas on Parade
http://dates2diapers2.blogspot.com Dates 2 Diapers
http://sorrykidblog.com/ Sorry kid, Your Mom Doesn’t Play Well With Others
http://www.therowdybaker.com The Rowdy Baker
http://www.trashyblog.com Trashy Blog
http://www.barbara1923.com/ Barbara & 1923
Sooooo.... I usually try to keep a running list of all the kooky, crazy, nutty stuff my family says during the month. Ummm... Well.... This time I forgot. Yep. I kept telling everyone to remind me to write the stuff down. You think they forgot on purpose??? Naw.... Surely not!
Anyway, since I have no list and I have the memory of a gnat, I decided to go with what has been on my mind all month. HOMESCHOOLING!!!
We started back on Monday (read about it)! SO much work goes into getting everything ready for the new school year. YILES!!!! Here I can show you some of the fruits of my labor.
I am MUCH more hands on when it comes to the youngest 2 kids. They have never been to public school and like to do things as hands on as possible. The older kids have always wanted me to throw them a book and leave them alone. HAH! THAT doesn't happen very often. ;) Well, I might throw them a book but it's a living book and NOT a text. BLECK!!!!
ANYWAY!! Here are a few things that the younger kids have this week.
In these pics, C&C are doing more experiments on
rocks (click for the unit study) using our
Young Scientist Club kit #7. In the top pics they are testing whether or not the rocks are magnetic. In the bottom 2 pics they are doing hardness tests.
In the next pics, we are doing our
Israel study. C&C made the Israeli flag out of construction paper in the top pic. The bottom is a picture of our
Little Passports Israel package. They love those SOOOOO much!!! After reading and doing the activities (and trying to catch a flying dreidel), they signed on to their account and did the activities there.
We've also been doing our
bear study this week. Cailey made hers a bear family while Colin made his scary!! LOL
Making mosaics was another activity in the
Marco Polo for Kids book. We tried making mosaics last year for Ancient Greece and they did NOT enjoy it. This time I decided to go for something easier and had them color pictures instead!
For our Marco Polo unit click
We have read a TON of books this week! SHEW!!!!!
SUCH a busy first week but so much FUN!!!!!
If you want to see the other pics from this week click
Now, don't forget to check out the wonderful, marvelous bloggers that are participating this month!!! I promise you won't regret it. They are FAR more entertaining that I am! LOL ;)